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Universal Voting System


ExpressVote is a reliable, secure and efficient system for election officials and their staff, poll workers and voters. The paper-based ExpressVote combines touch-screen voting technology with an integrated thermal printer to produce a paper record for tabulation.

Security features:

  • Physical and System Access Controls
  • Verifiable Paper Record
  • Audit Logs
  • Proprietary Flash Drives
  • System Application Controls
  • Encryption, Hash Validation and Digital Signatures

A versatile solution

Vote centers • Early voting • Polling places • Election Day

Together with ExpressPoll® electronic pollbook and the ExpressVote® Activation Card Printer:

  • Quickly check in voters and serve up to 15,000 different ballot styles. No more picking and pulling ballots or wasting pre-printed stock. Voters get in and out faster.
  • Increases the accuracy of identifying voters and their ballot style by searching for them by name, date of birth or voter ID.
Product flow graphic. From left to right: check in on ExpressPoll; Receive ballot from ExpressVote Printer; Vote on ExpressVote; Tabulate on DS300.

An accessible system with a voter-verifiable paper record

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Easy election management

  • Reduces costs by eliminating the need for printing and storing traditional pre-printed paper ballots.
  • Simplifies post-election management because there are no unclear marks to adjudicate. Prevents overvotes and alerts voters to ballot exceptions, like undervotes.
  • Produces a voter-verifiable paper record that is scanned, tabulated and saved for auditing purposes.
  • Prevents poll workers from giving voters the wrong ballot style since they don’t need to pick and pull ballots.
  • Maximizes your investment because ExpressVote can be used many ways — in polling places and vote centers, during early voting and on Election Day.

Poll workers love it

  • Shorter Election Day for poll workers — six steps to open and two to close — so they don’t need to arrive as early or stay as late.
  • Small, lightweight and easy to move and store.
  • No ink to replace on Election Day.
Icon of a hand giving a thumbs up

A great experience for voters

  • Fully compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), ExpressVote enables all eligible voters to make their selections privately and independently.
  • Improves voter confidence because the interface prevents them from overvoting and alerts them to ballot exceptions, like undervotes.
  • In assistive mode, with headphones, offers ability for reading back the voter’s selections before printing the vote summary card.
  • Provides voters the opportunity to review their selections twice before tabulation — on the summary screen and on the printed card.

Security you can count on.®

Physical and system access controls
  • The unit’s hardware is designed to protect against tampering, including during system storage, transport and voting.
  • The ExpressVote uses physical and system access controls, including lockable doors, tamper-evident seals and access codes.
  • The operating software provides security access controls to limit or detect access to critical system components, guarding against system integrity loss and availability.
  • Only system-certified components are recognized by the ExpressVote.
System application controls
  • System functions are only executable during election events, in the manner and order intended by election officials performing their duties.
  • The system performs a self-diagnostic test at startup, which provides status and alerts election officials of errors.
Encryption, hash validation and digital signatures
  • Election programming is stored on the system as an encrypted and digitally signed data bundle. Each time data is used, a hash validation is performed to ensure data integrity remains intact.
Audit logs
  • The ExpressVote generates a detailed audit log of all actions and events that have occurred on the unit, which can be exported for review and analysis.
  • Every action and event—including access attempts, access of system functions and errors—is logged and time-stamped.
  • The audit log file is digitally signed each time an event is written to it.
  • Ballot style capacity: Up to 15,000
  • Languages supported: Any language in audio and 12+ in text
  • Assistive devices supported: Headphones, audio-tactile keypad, rocker switch device, sip-and-puff device
  • Dimensions (H x W x D): Operational – 16” x 20” x 17” Stored – 17” x 20” x 5”
  • Weight: 25 pounds
  • Battery backup: 2-4 hours

Need more information?

That’s why we’re here. The dedicated ES&S representative for your state can help you determine the best solutions for your jurisdiction.