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Updated Technology Big Winner During 2016 General Election

November 16, 2016

Updated Technology Big Winner During 2016 General Election

OMAHA, Neb., Nov. 14, 2016 /PRNewswire/

With millions casting their vote during last Tuesday’s Presidential Election, many states utilized new technologies to ensure the process was secure and accurate. Across the nation, voters with disabilities were afforded better access to making their opinion heard with the ExpressVote® Universal Voting System, including a woman in Virginia who for the first time in years, was able to vote completely unassisted.

She remarked “I just had the most WONDERFUL experience, I was in tears by the time I left the polling station – for the first time in years I VOTED without assistance.”

ExpressVote technology allows all voters to be treated equally at the voting booth.

Utilizing new technology was a key thread in many jurisdictions, with an overall goal of increased access for voters. In Arizona, QR code technology and online sample ballots through ExpressPass® were offered in both Navajo and Greenlee Counties, allowing voters to research candidates and contests, mark their selections and bring them in the polling place; lessening the time spent at the ExpressVote.

In many areas of the country, ExpressPoll® customers were able to leverage simple to use tablet technology to provide an expedited check-in process to voters and had the ability to utilize ES&S CentralPoint® software to monitor activity such as poll open and closing status from Election Central.

Over 32,000 DS200® digital paper scanning tabulators were deployed across the nation, including two new statewide deployments which helped process more ballots in-precinct thanks to record voter turnouts. Ballots were scanned and tabulated accurately in less time, allowing for timely returns across the United States and speedy reporting by election officials, especially in areas like Florida, where wireless modems were used to swiftly report initial unofficial results.

“It is important that the voters of this nation trust that their vote counts. At ES&S our mission is maintain voter confidence and enhance the voting experience. We achieve this through our continued development of world class voting solutions coupled with the passion and dedicated skill of the thousands of election officials whose sole mission is to execute good elections,” stated Kathy Rogers, Senior Vice President of Government Relations for ES&S.

“Each election official did a phenomenal job of ensuring their voters could be confident that their vote counts.”


To learn more about the full ES&S suite of voting solutions, please visit