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New Patents Aim to Improve Poll Place Monitoring & Results Reporting

September 1, 2015

ES&S continually looks for new ways to improve the Election Day experience for all stake holders. This consideration includes both the polling place and the Election Office. Our two newest patents take a look at both areas and how election officials can streamline Results reporting and more proactively manage all of their polling locations from the comfort of their election office.


Patent #35 (US Patent #9,092,923) – System and Method for Monitoring Voting Devices

Unfortunately election officials can’t be everywhere at once. Many times polling locations aren’t in the immediate vicinity of the Election Office. Relying on poll workers to call in concerns before they become problems isn’t always an effective method either. Our 35th patent looks to circumvent these issues by placing a simple barcode on the screen of each ES&S voting system. This barcode contains data outlining the health status of the machine including when the polls were opened, if a machine is on battery backup, how many ballots have been cast, the temperature of a unit, etc. Poll workers simply scan the barcode on each machine with a secure application on their mobile phone and transmit the message directly to the Election Office. There administrators can proactively manage the reports and quickly dispatch techs to locations that may require immediate assistance. Preemptively correcting issues helps take pressure off poll workers and ensures voters have a smooth voting experience.


Patent #36 (US Patent #9,105,139) – System and Method for Reporting Election Results

Our 36th patent allows for election results data to be encrypted in a barcode and transmitted to the Election Office via a wireless network. This customized application can be placed on smart devices like an electronic pollbook or smart phone, allowing poll workers to use the device’s camera to take a picture of the barcode placed on the voting system. This is transmitted to the Election Office where officials can decrypt the data packet, accessing results for reporting faster. It’s a new way to quickly send unofficial results back to the Election Office with speed and accuracy!

ES&S is excited about our newest patents and the promise of easier election administration it holds for our customers. We will have more information as we get closer to implementation of these technologies in our product lineup.