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ExpressVote XL: Transforming the Voting Experience

March 1, 2024

ExpressVote XL with a sample ballot and voter selections on screen.

Quick and easy voting with ExpressVote XL

Long lines? Not with ExpressVote XL Universal Voting System. On ExpressVote XL, voters have an extremely fast voting experience. That’s a documented fact from voters and election administrators. Lines on Election Day generally originate during check-in, not at the voting machine. Jurisdictions decide equipment needs based on the number of voters in a precinct.

Key features:
• Activation in Seconds
• Full-face Voting Interface
• High-Speed Paper Path

How fast is the voting experience on ExpressVote XL?

Infographic: How fast is the voting experience on ExpressVote XL? 80 seconds on average and in as little as 20 seconds. Average voter throughput: 60 voters per hour.

ExpressVote XL voter testimonials

“There was no line. [In other elections] I’ve always waited in line.”

Jessica Ickler, voter, Cumberland County, PA
Penn Live, Short waits, no lines reported as polls near closing time in Pa. primary, 6/2/2020
“It’s nice and easy. This is a little quicker.”

75-year-old Tom Upshaw, voter, Philadelphia, PA
The Temple News, Residents, students try out new voting machines ahead of Election Day, 10/18/2019
“Voting my ballot only took 20 seconds, and there was almost no line or wait for a machine. My whole experience was very quick!”

Frank B, voter, New Castle County, DE
2022 General Election

ExpressVote XL’s impact in Philadelphia’s 2023 elections

Infographic: Average wait between check-in and voting in Philadelphia's 2023 elections was less than 3 minutes. More than 1 million registered voters in Philly.

“We didn’t hear of any lines out there today. Voting with the ExpressVote XL is quick and easy, so voters really didn’t take long in the booth.”

“Using the ExpressVote XL means all Philadelphia voters have equal access to the ballot, regardless of ability or disability. It’s quick, it’s easy to use, and voters know their paper ballots will be counted as cast.”

Nick Custodio, Philadelphia Deputy Commissioner

Why are counties buying ExpressVote XL?

“We’ve been looking at these machines for years. It was clear to all our people that the ES&S system would provide the safest, least disruptive voting experience, especially for senior citizens … There’s a good reason why all the other New Jersey counties who looked at this are buying the ES&S systems. For the same money, you get paper and a better machine overall.”

Wyatt Earp, Board of Elections, Ocean County, NJ
NJ Spotlight, Ocean County set to buy [Dominion] voting machines its experts said not to, 8/18/21