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Successful Elections a Tradition for Jefferson County

July 8, 2016

ES&S is proud of our partnership with the Jefferson County Elections Division in Golden, Colorado. Since the 90s, we have had the honor of providing them with ever evolving voting systems and products that fit their needs from in-person voting to mail-in ballot processing. This past primary was certainly no different.

Jefferson County was able to:

  • Realize cost savings by utilizing Balotar on demand printing and the ExpressVote
  • Speed up the tabulation process with the DS850
  • Simplify Voter Service Polling Center (VSPC) closing procedures

“Jefferson has been able to enjoy a long-standing relationship with ES&S,” remarked Carrie Kellogg, Director of Elections with Jefferson. “ES&S is always supportive through each election and their technology allows us to stay up-to-date without complicating Election Day or any of our procedures. Jake and everyone with ES&S are a part of our elections family.”

Read on to find out more about JeffCo’s successful elections and why they have remained an ES&S partner in Colorado.


Primary 2016

For the primary, Jefferson had five VSPCs across the county. ES&S products that were deployed included:

  • Two DS850 High-speed Central Scanner & Tabulators
  • Five Balotar Ballot on Demand Printers
  • 10 ExpressVote Universal Voting Systems, including three that were taken to healthcare facilities to assist voters

Voters were given the choice of voting a paper ballot via Balotar or marking their choices with the ExpressVote. Of the in-person voters, 90% chose to vote with the ExpressVote. The DS850 was used to tabulate all in-person votes and mail-in ballots. Thanks to the ExpressVote system’s easy closing procedures, every VSPC was able to close quickly and be fully reported before 11 p.m.

Voting Products That Meet Actual Election Needs

One of the many reasons Jefferson County has been a longtime partner is our suite of visionary voting products. From the iVotronic and M650 to their current Balotar printers, ExpressVote units and the DS850, Jefferson County has found ES&S products easy to implement and manage.

Our products are made for real election needs, such as on demand ballot printing. When Jefferson required a system that allowed for ballots to be printed as needed, our Balotar system offered them flexibility and convenience. Its small footprint also allowed for it to fit on the rolling cart Jefferson uses to deliver election supplies to each VSPC.

From an operational standpoint, products such as Electionware and our DS850 high-speed central scanner & tabulator allow for increased efficiency. “ES&S provides us with hardware and software options that are technologically advanced while also being user-friendly,” said Erin Amos, Elections Operations Manager for Jefferson County. “Our judges like that the equipment isn’t complicated & doesn’t require extensive troubleshooting. They can easily explain to voters what they have to do.”

Building a Foundation of Excellence

For over two decades, Jefferson County has been a valued partner in Colorado. As their election needs have changed, so have the services ES&S has been able to provide.

The recent pilot program in Colorado was certainly an impetus for Jefferson County to upgrade to new ES&S equipment for their November 2015 election, however, they have continued using our system because of their comfort level with each product and their faith in our customer service and company. We applaud the Jefferson County for their continued dedication to election excellence and are looking forward to a successful Presidential Election in November.