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Authentic Insights from Customers

June 23, 2022

At ES&S, we take customer relationships seriously. In fact, customer satisfaction is one of our key operational objectives. This companywide customer-centric motivation places customers at the heart of every decision we make.

Measuring customer satisfaction: ES&S surveys customers to rate our responsiveness, service quality, timeliness, and product performanceOne of the many ways we stay focused on maintaining voter confidence and enhancing the voting experience is by continually evolving to meet the needs of our customers — this includes surveying our customers twice a year, after primaries and after the general election.

“Measuring customer satisfaction allows us to improve upon existing strengths, and most importantly, gain insights that can result in beneficial changes and continuous improvement,” ES&S Executive Vice President of Operations Jim Schmidt said.

The feedback we receive provides a clear understanding of the customer experience. All of which lead to taking accountability and actionable steps toward improvement.

“Customer feedback is essential to ES&S — it drives change and helps to ensure continuous positive customer experiences across the company. Our goal is to live up to all of ES&S’ core values, including striving for excellence in everything we do,” Schmidt said.

Fundamentals of Accountability

ES&S’ fundamentals of accountability include the well-known principles, “SEE IT, OWN IT, SOLVE IT, DO IT,” plus our very own addition, “INSPECT IT.” These ground rules empower us to own a situation, resolve it to the best of our abilities and measure progress. This is evidenced by the effective accountability connections across our company, including:

  • Transparency
  • Trust
  • Feedback that moves easily in all directions across the company
  • Teams and individuals improving the customer experience using creativity and critical thinking

Getting customer feedback helps us acknowledge reality — seeing things as they really are, allows us to address what we can do to overcome challenges and obstacles.


Taking personal accountability for challenges empowers us to take that same level of accountability for addressing those challenges — by owning these challenges, we automatically gain the commitment to overcome and change things for the better.


Tackling real challenges and removing true obstacles quickly puts us on the right track — continually asking the question, “What else can we do?” puts us in the driver’s seat on the road to results.


Taking personal accountability means we follow through with plans, implement strategies and execute ideas — overcoming the obstacles and achieving the results we want comes when we passionately, proactively and persistently Do It!


Ultimately it all boils down to: did we or did we not see it, own it, solve it and do it? Obviously, getting the right results depends on planning and execution, but it also matters how we measure success … and that we even measure it at all!
