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2021 Chairman’s Award Winner – Todd Urosevich

August 16, 2021

Each year Election Systems & Software (ES&S) awards an employee our highest honor – the Chairman’s Award for Leadership. The recipient of this award demonstrates every day what it means to Live Above the Line.

From left to right: Tom O'Brien, Tom Burt, 2021 Chairman's Award Winner Todd Urosevich, and Jim Schmidt

From left to right: Tom O’Brien, Tom Burt, 2021 Chairman’s Award Winner Todd Urosevich and Jim Schmidt

This year’s recipient is Todd Urosevich. Todd has been with ES&S for more than 40 years and held numerous positions, including sales representative, customer support manager and his current role as regional sales manager. Todd’s service and dedication to our customers and the voters are second to none. Todd is the ninth recipient of the Chairman’s Award.

Please join us in congratulating Todd on this prestigious award!